Emotional Wellbeing
Most people know that chiropractic can help with physical complaints, but fewer people know it can also significantly affect your emotional well-being. The first, most obvious way is that you will likely be in a better mood if you have less pain, but with us, it goes much further than that.
The Mind-Body Connection and Chiropractic Care
The emotional stress that our minds experience will be echoed into our bodies, and our bodies will remember specific traumas as our minds do. One might think it’s just a tight knot in a shoulder, joint pain, neck, or hip pain, but most trigger points have stories. Think beyond that to how stories from our past can shape your perspective and scope of life today.
What if you could change that perspective, release the physical aspect, and reduce pain? We know that is possible and probable with the right effort, and we would like to help you have a calmer, kinder headspace, too.
Your Wheat Ridge, Arvada, and Golden Chiropractor
​If you have spent tons of time researching online and Googling "chiropractor near me" and are unsure of the right direction to take, call or text Dr. Patrick to get your questions answered or schedule your next appointment today to improve your quality of life.