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Headache and Migraine Treatment in Wheat Ridge


Headaches can ruin your quality of life, and it pains me how many people have learned to live with any level of headache. There are many different types of headaches, and the ones you’re most likely to incur will respond well to our adjustments.  


Headache Treatment in Wheat Ridge and Arvada


Headaches are even more prevalent today due to the digital age. Computers, SmartPhones, tablets, and televisions all cause habits that can lead to headache pain. 


Types of Headaches


If you have headaches that wrap around the top of your head like a band, it’s either your hair is too heavy, or we can help. If your headache starts in the neck or back of the skull, we can typically help you with only a handful of visits.


 If your headache includes visual symptoms and sensitivity to light and sound and can last for hours to days, you, too, can receive relief. These types of headaches respond well to a specific upper-cervical C1 adjustment, which is one area we always check!  


If your headache comes from the side of your head, you likely need some cranial work and a solid neck adjustment. We have seen hundreds of patients with headaches walk into our office and dissolve through the adjustment, and we hope you let us help you with yours.


What can cause headaches?


  • Extended screen time

  • Sinus pressure from allergies  

  • TMJ problems  

  • Squinting in too much sun

  • Neck problems

  • Stress

  • Hangover/ poor diet (lifestyle factors)

  • Extended sofa posture


What are some secondary effects of headaches?


  • Fatigue

  • Irritability

  • Sleep problems

  • Poor decision making  

  • Difficulty focusing  

  • Road rage

  • Mood disorders


Find Headache Relief in Wheat Ridge, Arvada, and Golden, CO


Are you looking for a "chiropractor near me" in your search engine? Call or text to book your appointment with Dr. Patrick. We are confident we can help you find headache relief through effective chiropractic care.


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