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Joint Pain

Joint Pain Treatment in Wheat Ridge, Arvada, and Golden, CO


The body has hundreds of joints; the average person doesn't think about them unless they cause pain.  


Wrist pain, knee pain, elbow pain, or any extremity pain exists because of poor joint health, and we are here to help.


Many different things can affect the health of our joints, but overuse, dramatic underuse, or other injuries are most common. Often, a chiropractic adjustment will help you recover to total health.  


Chiropractic Wrist Pain Treatment


In today's world, most wrist pain comes from your keyboard, iPhone, or other highly repetitious activities like pouring drinks, playing an instrument, or weight lifting.  


Wrist pain or other problems, including joint grinding or crepitus, are known to improve when we adjust the wrist in tandem with the elbow. We have seen conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome improve. It's easy to see why when you know anatomy, expected motion, and how the wrist will misalign and fixate from different activities.  


We have helped wrists of all ages and activity levels, so don't let your wrist pain keep you from the activities you want to do! We can provide stretching guidance to help at home.

Chiropractic Knee Pain Treatment


Knee pain is common in current or former athletes and likely from overuse in some capacity or injury. The good news is that almost everyone will see some improvement from getting their knees, ankles, and feet adjusted.  


The not-so-great news is that your ability to get completely out of pain will depend on your individual trauma history, but we would be happy to help you get as well as possible without surgery. We have also found that checking the knees, ankles, and hips on both sides plays a significant role in getting you up and going as fast as possible.


Shoulder Pain Treatment in Wheat Ridge, CO


Shoulder pain can be complex. We can help you decode yours. You may have something simple going on, which would be great, but it's essential to remember the intricacies of the shoulder joint itself and all the different types of stress the shoulder will take.


Let us not forget the multiple different pain referral sites in the shoulder. Your shoulders work in partnership with the neck. Mid-back pain can relate to the shoulder, and jaw pain can radiate to the shoulder. It's essential to take a holistic approach to treatment to address the connection between your shoulder and other areas of the body.


We welcome people with shoulder pain or problems because adjusting the spine and extremities will alleviate many issues and help you return to a more active life with less pain.


Chiropractic Hip Pain Treatment


Hip pain is a common complaint that can have many different origins and effects across the rest of the body. One thing most hip problems have in common is tightness. That tightness could come from the hamstrings, lower back, sacrum, abdomen, the hip joint itself, or a combination of these.  


By understanding your specific case and evaluating these areas, we can often get hips loosened up and moving, reducing the pain. We like to use a gentle drop table to help release the tension, misalignment, and subluxation that goes along with it.


Getting the hips to release can also help the knees, the lower back, and even the feet more than we sometimes expect, so come start feeling better sooner rather than later.


Elbow Pain and Tennis Elbow Treatment in Wheat Ridge and Arvada


Elbow pain is not a terribly common complaint, but when it occurs, you understand the value of your elbow.


If you have developed it from sports like golf or tennis, starting with massage therapy is a good idea. If that is unsuccessful, your problem could be alignment or entrapment. We can help.  


When the arm or forearm muscles tighten up, elbow pain or problems like tingling in the hand are common. If your elbows bother you, an extremity adjustment is a great idea!


Experienced Chiropractic Care in Wheat Ridge and Arvada, CO


You can keep searching "chiropractor near me" and doing your research, or you can take the first step today and call or text Dr. Patrick to schedule your appointment today.


We provide honest care; if we can help, we will provide all of your treatment options without any long-term commitments other than a desire to feel better so you can do the things you love.


© 2024 House of Health Chiropractic | Serving Arvada, Applewood, Denver Highlands, and Wheat Ridge CO

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