Growing up outside Atlanta, GA, I never received chiropractic as a child. I knew my mom went sometimes and said it helped her feel better, but it didn't really impact me until it did. It wasn't the multiple fractures in my spine nor the headaches from multiple big car crashes or dirt bike accidents. It was noticing something and looking for an answer.
I Noticed Everyone Was Miserable
I worked a job going door-to-door to offices selling office supplies during the baseball off-season (I was an umpire for 15 years). When I went in over 70 doors a day and talked to hundreds of people a day, I noticed that most everyone was miserable.
Seriously, it freaked me out! It didn't depend on jobs, wealth, education, or what part of town someone lived in. Of course, not everyone was miserable, but a whole lot were. I also realized there was a totally different feel to chiropractic offices compared to any other business, especially any other healthcare business.
My Education at Life University
I decided to research the field of chiropractic and found a school about an hour away called Life University in Marietta, GA. The admissions office gave me some information, and I really liked everything I read.
The science that supports the profession, the principles of healing, and the art of adjusting were and still are very interesting to me. There is this sense at the school many speak of called the ”LU Bubble.” Many chiropractic schools have their own version, and it drew me in. I got through the school and all the national boards with a large amount of effort and a love for chiropractic.
Nearing the end of chiropractic school, I was touring all over the southeast every other weekend, going to chiropractic offices, and getting a feel for what I wanted to do after school.
I had many job offers to be an associate, and I had an offer to take over another doctor’s office, but I had this vision that I could do it on my own. I was sure chiropractic works, and I was sure I could deliver good chiropractic adjustments. I had an idea of how it could be done well. During this time, a professor told me, “You will be a successful chiropractor wherever you go; go where you want to live your life.” I took his advice.
My Journey from Georgia to Colorado
As a kid, I came out to Colorado in the winters to go skiing and always wanted to live out here. At one point, I wanted to be a ski patroller, but I missed that window and don't regret it. I did a lot of research about the different towns of Colorado in 2011 and 2012 and made a few visits to check them out. I drove through literally every town or city from the Springs to Boulder and decided to start out in Westminster at Wadsworth and 90th. I graduated from chiropractic school in December 2012, and my office space was already lined up. I drove out to Colorado in early January and saw my first patient as a Doctor of Chiropractic on March 4th, 2013.
Welcome to House of Health Chiropractic
Since then, I've moved a few times, first to and around the Speer and I-25 area, then to Wheat Ridge. I have landed in the best office I've ever had at the corner of Wheat Ridge near Arvada and Golden at Ward and 52nd. It has easy access across West Metro Denver. I'm in a perfectly sized private suite with good airflow and lighting and would be happy to have you as a patient.